lullaby for lucas歌词翻译

导读 大家好,小阳来为大家解答以上的问题。lullaby for lucas歌词翻译这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、此曲由瑞典Standfast(

大家好,小阳来为大家解答以上的问题。lullaby for lucas歌词翻译这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、此曲由瑞典Standfast(超快感乐队)原创,Celine Dion(席琳迪翁)翻唱过。

2、  Lullaby for Lucas  给卢卡斯的摇篮曲  The night has come now  夜幕笼罩  The sun has gone to rest  太阳歇脚  All birds stop singing, hiding in their nest  鸟儿停止歌唱,回到它的归巢  The stars are sparkling in the deeply sky  星星持续闪耀,夜色分外妖娆  For the man in the moon hill can hear the tide inside  月桂中的神明,聆听着那汐潮  Hush now baby, it’s time to go to sleep  安静吧宝贝,是时候入睡  Mummy and Daddy have counted all the sheep  爸爸和妈妈,绵羊都数累  Hush now baby, don’t you cry  安静吧宝贝,别涌出泪水  Mummy and Daddy are always by your side  爸爸和妈妈,宠溺你一万岁~  The playground to still now  操场静谧  Shadows dance around  光影迷离  Raindrops are falling softly to the ground  雨滴亲吻地面,温柔掉落泥里  Tomorrow’s waiting for some that in her hand  明天等待某君,听从她的指令  More time to play and draw pictures in the sand  明天继续玩耍,涂鸦写在沙粒  Hush now baby, it’s time to go to sleep  安静吧宝贝,是时候入睡  Mummy and Daddy have counted all the sheep  爸爸和妈妈,绵羊都数累  Hush now baby, don’t you cry  安静吧宝贝,别涌出泪水  Mummy and Daddy are always by your side  爸爸和妈妈,宠溺你一万岁~  P.S.很舒服的摇篮曲,我也很喜欢.。


