
导读 大家好,小阳来为大家解答以上的问题。abstention怎么读,abstention这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、abstention [əbˈst


1、abstention [əbˈstɛnʃ(ə)n] ð 通常指戒alcohol.u 不沉湎与某事,节制;戒酒alcohol consumption versus abstention. 喝酒对戒酒。

2、v也指不投票,弃权a resolution passed by 126 votes to none, with six abstentions. 以126票赞成、0票反对、6票弃权通过的决议。

3、— Abstention was higher in 1997 than in 1992 [more people did not vote]— Conservative MPs abstained from voting [did not vote at all]abstinence [ˈabstɪnəns] adj. abstentious ð 通常指戒色;也指戒烟酒等>>> 是这几个中较常用的,口语中主要指节制性欲,也可用于其他方面。

4、— total abstinence from cigarettes and alcohol.—I started drinking again after six years of abstinence.我戒了六年酒之后又开始喝了。

5、ð abstinence 指限制欲望(desire)的程度,但语意上有时又有完全禁绝的含义— Abstinence from sex is the only secure way of not having babies [not having sex at all]— The participants abstained from alcohol [did not drink alcohol at all](Abstinence is not having sex. A person who decides to practice ~ has decided not to have sex.)abstention:1.the trait of abstaining (especially from alcoholabstinence:1.the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol)2.act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite。


